Our services

Coming Soon, TeleMentor (in construction)

The service is not limited to patients with emotional difficulties. From simple advice to mental health treatments, Telementor connects you with the right professionals for your needs. If you need advice, guidance or simply an idea to deal with any situation, always remember that we are at your disposal. We will connect you with a trained professional to help you.

Home Modification

  • Ramps and Portable Ramps
  • Grab Bars
  • Handrails
  • Lifts, elevators, and more
  • Porch stairlifts
  • Bathroom facilities
  • Widening of doorways/hallways, and more

We connect you with the corresponding personnel, to make all types of modifications in your home, to help you:

Ramps and Portable Ramps, Grab Bars, Handrails

Lifts, elevators, and more, Porch stairlifts:

Bathroom facilities, widening of doorways/hallways, and more

Vehicle Modifications

We connect you with the corresponding personnel, so that your car meets your needs

Therapeutic events/competitions

BECOR seeks to maintain the “Charlotte DivFest”, whose objective is to facilitate access to culture, both for people with disabilities and people with mental health problems, thus promoting social diversity.

This festival is committed to the generation of new communication languages through art and sport, to understand how people are different and how others can accept those differences.

It is an event that we hold annually. with the purpose of demonstrating the potential that exists in people with some physical or mental limitation.

Having a disability can be a source of discouragement for many, but through these events we show that no matter what type of limitation you have, you can get ahead, you can be useful in society. A disability, whether physical or mental, only means that we are people with different abilities and that with the right training we can achieve great things.